At The Church At Perton we are trying to develop the range of musical gifts and talents which we know are in and around our church and community. Our congregation sings with enthusiasm, music is an important part of our worship, and we cover a wide variety styles.
During our services you could hear the words of Wesley or Newman, together with the stirring tunes of the Welsh Revival, and the music of Matt Redman or the New wine composers, and we are willing to attempt most styles of service, from Iona to Taize, Quaker to café style.
We have a committed and enthusiastic music group which helps to lead the congregation in the singing of hymns and songs, and contributes solo pieces to our worship services on occasions. We are always happy to invite new singers to 'sit in' on our practices – just come along!
Also, we would gladly welcome instrumentalists to work alongside our organist and guitar players and help to offer a widening variety of musical accompaniment to our worship.
We realise that as well as leading our church people to music, it can often be music which leads people to church. If you are in sympathy with this ideal and are looking for somewhere to use your musical gifts in a worship setting - whether as a singer or as an instrumentalist, in the music group or as a member of our friendly congregation - we can promise you a warm welcome.